Getting Started

Kids on the POINT OT uses an episodic scheduling model when it comes to therapy, built with the goal of meeting families at the heart of where they need support by providing care when and where you need it. Upon your child’s initial assessment, I will collaborate with you to create a plan of care based on recommended ‘episodes of treatment’ to address your immediate and long-term goals. Episodic scheduling considers each family’s unique therapeutic needs and desires, and may be broken into the following 4 plans:

  • Therapy sessions are delivered multiple times per week to address immediate or pressing needs.

  • Therapy sessions are delivered weekly, with a standing appointment on the same day/time until goals are reached.

  • Therapy sessions are delivered monthly, and often involve high levels of environmental supports and family education.

  • Therapy sessions are delivered as needed to address specific concerns that can be best supported through education, modifications, or home programming.

What are the benefits of an ‘episodic scheduling model?’

  • More flexibility & appointment availability- which means, access to care faster.

  • Increased family empowerment to “live out” the skills learned during therapy sessions within your child’s natural environments where life happens.

  • Frequent communication around progress between episodes of care, to ensure goals are being updated until success is achieved.

  • Opportunity for families to implement skills learned between episodes to guide future needs.

Payment Options

Cash Pay

Kids on the POINT OT is a fee-for-service, or ‘cash pay’ business, meaning I do not accept insurance. I am happy to educate you on how to submit our invoices for potential insurance reimbursement, upon the discretion of your child’s insurance plan. I have chosen to prioritize putting my efforts towards working with families in flexible and meaningful ways, which often falls outside the lines of what insurance deems to be “medically necessary.”